Integrity in Data, Precision in Outcomes.
In today’s fast-paced clinical research environment, effective data management is crucial for the success of your trials.
Our clinical data management group provides end-to-end services to ensure all facets related to the clinical development objectives meet regulatory scrutiny. Our comprehensive clinical data management services are designed to enhance your clinical studies’ efficiency, accuracy, and reliability, ensuring that you achieve your research goals on time & within budget.
We offer complete support throughout the Data Management continuum – Startup, Conduct, and Closure. After all, the accuracy of the data is essential for the integrity of the statistical inference.
Study Start
- Thorough review of the protocol before designing Case Report Forms (CRFs)
- Evaluate all areas of efficiencies during the start-up phase to ensure we meet and beat timelines
- Collaborate with statisticians, medical directors to ensure clarity on data used for analysis
- In-house development of database with appropriate skip logic and edit checks
Creation of Data Management Plan (DMP)
Development of Data Transfer Specifications (DTS)
Preparation of Case Report Form Completion Guidelines (CCG)
Comprehensive outline of data handling throughout the study lifecycle
All relevant steps documented per Inference SOPs
Study Conduct
- Diligent data cleaning via statistical tools to ensure accuracy
- Regular delivery of study progress reports to the sponsor
- Significant focus on formulating and addressing queries from study sites
- Test runs with vendor data to ensure accuracy and consistency with respect to data collected in EDC
- Ensure Reporting can be done frequently for safety reviews and ad-hoc needs
Study Closure
- Meticulous reconciliation of SAE & external lab data using statistical programs
- Efficient closure of queries and finalization of protocol deviation list
- Pro-active steps and communication with all stakeholders
- Preparation of documents for signature
- Database lock and archival after all issues are addressed
Services Include
- Create and implement scalable, tailored data collection specifications
- Alignment with study-specific requirements for seamless execution
- Proficiency in Medidata Rave™ and Medrio
- Over 15 years of experience, with adaptability to use other EDC systems to meet
sponsor needs - Specialization in minimizing timelines and costs, map out efficiencies, reuse of
forms during study startup execution
- Ensuring data completeness and regulatory compliance
- Systematic checks throughout the data lifecycle to identify and resolve
discrepancies - Automation of data review listings for comprehensive and thorough validation
- Close collaboration between data management and biostatistics teams
- Creation of statistical data checks aligned with SDTM/CDISC standards
- Customizable data reporting solutions
- Collaboration between clinical data experts and programming to tailor reports to
your specific objectives - Real-time data metrics, Medical Monitoring, Coding
- Automated data review listings including reconciliation listings
- Adherence to GCP, ICH, and FDA regulations
- Ongoing commitment to reduce the risk of non-compliance and project setbacks
- Expert medical coding with WHODrug and MedDRA
- Ongoing dictionary management to accommodate updates necessary during the
clinical trial - Manual coding as needed
- Functional Service Provider (FSP) – we offer flexible resource augmentation of
experienced and dedicated DM professionals to complement your resourcing
needs - Project and Program based resources using local and global resource models
- Rescue studies – our team of professionals diligently works to develop and
execute a comprehensive transition plan with consideration of all stakeholders
ensuring data quality and integrity